Citizen Complaints

It is essential to establish a relationship of trust and confidence, without fear of reprisal, between members of the University Police department and the University's community for effective law enforcement. Officers, however, must be free to exercise their best judgment and to initiate enforcement action in a reasonable matter. Enforcers of the law have a special obligation, under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California to respect the rights of others.

With this in mind, the University Police Department has established a system of complaint and disciplinary procedures. These procedures subject individual officers to corrective action when they conduct themselves improperly. It also protects officers from unwarranted criticism when they discharge their duties properly. The purpose of these procedures is to provide a prompt, just open, and expeditious disposition of complaints about the conduct of members and employees of the University Police Department.

Members of the University Police at any time of the day shall accept a personnel complaint. Written complaints may be delivered in person or mailed to the department. The complainant will be given a copy of the completed complaint form. Telephone complaints will be accepted if the information provided allows for a meaningful investigation.

All complaints will be investigated thoroughly, and all findings are based on impartial evidence gained during the investigation. The investigation will include interviews with the complainant, witnesses and the officer(s) involved, as well as examination of any pertinent evidence. All investigations will be completed within 30 days of receipt of the complaint; unless the Chief of Police grants an extension. After completion of the investigation, a complaint disposition will be made based on each alleged act of misconduct. The complainant will be advised of the disposition in writing.

The complaint will be classified with one of the following dispositions:

1. Not Sustained / Unfounded - When the investigation indicates the alleged action did not occur.

2. Not Sustained / Exonerated - When the investigation indicated the act occurred but was justified, lawful, and proper.

3. Not Sustained / Inconclusive - When the investigation discloses insufficient evidence to clearly disprove the allegations made.

4. Sustained - When the investigation discloses the alleged act did occur, and constitutes misconduct or improper job performance.

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