Daily Crime and Fire Log

The Daily Crime and Fire Log is required by the Clery Act to record all criminal incidents, alleged criminal incidents, and fire incidents that are reported to the SF State Police Department. Incidents are posted to the Log within 48 hours of occurrence. If a case disposition changes, it will be reflected in the log within 48 hours. If an arrest is made, the arrest information will be posted directly below the corresponding incident.

This is the most recent 60-day period data and it is open to public inspection, free of charge, upon request, during normal business hours. Any portion of the log that is older than 60 days will be made available within two business days of a request for public inspection.

Nature Case # Reported Occurred Location Disposition On Campus?
Theft of personal property - From building (M) 24-549 10/22/2024 14:14 10/11/2024  19:00 - 10/22/2024 07:00 35 Buckingham Wy, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Vandalism:deface property (M) 24-550 10/23/2024 03:51 10/23/2024  03:51 Winston Dr/Lake Merced Bl, San Francisco, CA Cleared by Arrest 10/23/2024 No
Obstruct/resist/etc public/peace officer/emergency med tech (M)            
Battery on person - Simple (M) 24-551 10/23/2024 13:12 10/21/2024  00:38 West Grove Commons, 700 Font Blvd, San Francisco, CA Referred to Investigations for Follow Up Yes
Threaten crime with intent to terrorize (F) 24-552 10/23/2024 20:37 10/23/2024  20:30 Gymnasium Bldg, 200 Lot 6, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Vandalism:damage property (F) 24-556 10/24/2024 23:41 10/24/2024  23:40 85 Buckingham Wy, San Francisco, CA Cleared by Arrest 10/25/2024 Yes
Obstruct/resist/etc public/peace officer/emergency med tech (M)            
Burglary - From motor vehicle (F) 24-557 10/25/2024 13:45 10/20/2024  17:00 - 10/25/2024 01:00 35 Buckingham Wy, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Drive W/Suspended License:Other 24-561 10/28/2024 21:16 10/28/2024  21:16 Lake Merced Bl/Higuera Av, San Francisco, CA Cleared by Arrest 10/29/2024 No
Theft of personal property - All other larceny (M) 24-563 10/29/2024 22:56 10/29/2024  15:45 - 18:10 Centennial Village Garage, 750 Font Bl, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Threaten crime with intent to terrorize (F) 24-565 10/31/2024 07:29 10/25/2024 - 10/26/2024 1600 Holloway Ave, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Obtain money/etc by false pretenses [over $400] (F)            
Inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant/datng relatnshp - Simple (F) 24-567 10/31/2024 18:14 10/31/2024  17:00 Centennial Village, 750 Font Bl, San Francisco, CA Cleared by Arrest 10/31/2024 Yes
Kidnapping (F)            
Robbery (F)            
Vandalism ($400 or more) (F)            
Take vehicle w/o owners consent/vehicle theft - Motor vehicle theft (F)            
Viol crt ord dom viol inj (M)            
Probation violation:rearrest/revoke (M)            
Vandalism ($400 or more) (F)            
Battery on person - Simple (M) 24-576 11/05/2024 19:48 05/20/2023  19:00 - 05/21/2023 21:00 Wellness Center, 755 Font Bl, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Grand theft:money/labor/property - All other larceny (F) 24-578 11/07/2024 11:56 11/04/2024  15:30 - 11/05/2024 13:00 Creative Arts, 1700 Holloway Av, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Petty theft - All other larceny (M) 24-579 11/07/2024 12:59 11/07/2024  12:12 Student Center, 1650 Holloway Av, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Obstruct/resist/etc public/peace officer/emergency med tech (M) 24-582 11/10/2024 04:26 11/10/2024  04:38 Towers At Centennial Square, 796 Font Bl, San Francisco, CA Cleared by Arrest 11/10/2024 Yes
Petty theft - All other larceny (M)            
Vandalism:deface property (M)            
Take vehicle w/o owners consent/vehicle theft - Motor vehicle theft (F) 24-583 11/10/2024 17:27 10/30/2024   - 11/10/2024 17:10 Lot 20, 250 South State Dr, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Forge/alter vehicle registration/etc (M) 24-585 11/12/2024 02:54 11/12/2024  02:54 Varela Av/Holloway Av, San Francisco, CA Cleared by Arrest 11/12/2024 No
Battery on person - Simple (M) 24-586 11/12/2024 14:08 11/12/2024  14:00 Malcolm X Plaza, 100 E Student Ctr Ln, San Francisco, CA Cleared by Exception 11/17/2024 Yes
Vandalism:deface property (M)            
Vandalism:deface property (M) 24-587 11/13/2024 14:01 - 11/13/2024 13:26 Humanities Bldg, 5 Tapia Dr, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Burglary:first degree - All other larceny (F) 24-589 11/14/2024 22:02 11/14/2024  09:30 350 Buckingham Wy, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Viol crt ord dom violence (M) 24-592 11/16/2024 06:37 11/04/2024  11:24 - 21:30 1600 Holloway Ave, San Francisco, CA Referred to Investigations for Follow Up Yes
Viol crt ord dom violence (M)            
Viol crt ord dom violence (M)            
Viol crt ord dom violence (M)            
Possess/purchase for sale narcotic/controlled substance (F) 24-593 11/16/2024 20:53 11/16/2024  20:53 Josepha Av/Juan Bautista Cr, San Francisco, CA Cleared by Arrest 11/16/2024 No
Possess narcotic controlled substance (M)            
Possess controlled substance (M)            
Petty theft - From building (M) 24-594 11/18/2024 12:59 11/18/2024  12:50 Student Center, 1650 Holloway Av, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Shoplifting (M) 24-596 11/18/2024 17:17 11/18/2024  17:15 Village Market, 750 Font Bl, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Grand theft:money/labor/property - All other larceny (F) 24-601 11/19/2024 12:01 11/18/2024  21:00 - 11/19/2024 12:00 225 Buckingham Wy, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Vandalism:damage property (M) 24-602 11/19/2024 14:59 11/19/2024  09:00 - 13:30 Towers At Centennial Square, 796 Font Bl, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Battery on person - Aggravated (M) 24-606 11/20/2024 12:05 11/20/2024  12:05 Fine Arts Bldg, 100 Creative Arts Ln, San Francisco, CA Cleared by Arrest 11/20/2024 Yes
Vandalism:deface property (M) 24-607 11/20/2024 13:46 11/19/2024  10:00 - 11/20/2024 13:46 Student Center, 1650 Holloway Av, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Battery on person - Aggravated (M) 24-608 11/20/2024 14:18 11/20/2024  14:18 350 Buckingham Wy, San Francisco, CA Cleared by Arrest 11/20/2024 Yes
Tamper/etc with fire alarm/etc (M) 24-609 11/20/2024 15:18 11/20/2024  15:18 Fine Arts Bldg, 100 Creative Arts Ln, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Theft of personal property - All other larceny (M) 24-611 11/21/2024 14:08 11/20/2024  10:00 - 11/21/2024 10:00 West Grove Commons, 700 Font Blvd, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Vandalism:deface property (F) 24-614 11/23/2024 01:07 11/22/2024  14:00 - 11/23/2024 01:07 105 Serrano Dr, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up No
Burglary - From motor vehicle (F) 24-615 11/23/2024 09:26 11/22/2024  23:00 - 11/23/2024 01:07 1703 Holloway Av, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up No
Trespass:occupy property without consent (M) 24-617 11/24/2024 16:21 11/24/2024  16:21 Mary Ward Hall, 800 Font Bl, San Francisco, CA Cleared by Arrest 11/24/2024 Yes
Possess unlawful paraphernalia (M)            
Touch person intimately against will for sexual arousal/etc (M) 24-619 11/25/2024 22:56 11/23/2024  03:00 27 Buckingham Wy, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Vandalism:deface property (M) 24-620 11/27/2024 10:29 - 11/27/2024 10:29 Mary Park Hall, 802 Font Bl, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Take vehicle w/o owners consent/vehicle theft - Motor vehicle theft (F) 24-624 12/01/2024 18:52 11/22/2024  10:00 - 12/01/2024 18:52 Lot 20, 250 South State Dr, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Grand theft:money/labor/property - All other larceny (F) 24-628 12/03/2024 17:17 12/03/2024  15:30 - 12/03/2024 16:50 Wellness Center, 755 Font Bl, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Tamper/etc with fire alarm/etc (M) 24-631 12/05/2024 12:55 12/05/2024  12:55 Fine Arts Bldg, 100 Creative Arts Ln, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Burglary:second degree - All other larceny (F) 24-632 12/05/2024 15:39 11/28/2024  15:52 Wellness Center, 755 Font Bl, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Burglary - All other larceny (F) 24-633 12/05/2024 17:54 11/21/2024   - 12/05/2024 17:00 Centennial Village, 750 Font Bl, San Francisco, CA Unfounded 12/06/2024 Yes
Theft of personal property - All other larceny (M) 24-634 12/05/2024 18:23 12/04/2024  12:48 - 15:31 295 Buckingham Wy, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Vandalism:damage property (F) 24-636 12/06/2024 10:17 12/04/2024  01:00 Inner Campus, 1600 Holloway Av, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Burglary:second degree - All other larceny (F) 24-637 12/06/2024 12:01 11/21/2024 - 11/22/2024, Unknown Time Wellness Center, 755 Font Bl, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Petty theft - From building (M) 24-638 12/06/2024 15:40 12/06/2024  15:40 Creative Arts, 1700 Holloway Av, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Domestic Violence   12/6/2024 12/04/2024, Unknown Time West Grove Commons, 700 Font Blvd, San Francisco, CA Title IX Investigation Yes
Rape   12/8/2024 9/1/2024 -9/30/2024, Unknown Time Manzanita Square, 2 Varela Ave, San Francisco, CA Title IX Investigation Yes
Fondling   12/8/2024 9/1/2024 -9/30/2024, Unknown Time Manzanita Square, 2 Varela Ave, San Francisco, CA Title IX Investigation Yes
Vandalism:deface property (F) 24-640 12/09/2024 00:40 12/08/2024  20:00 - 12/09/2024 00:22 SF Hillel House, 33 Banbury Dr, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action No
Tamper/etc with fire alarm/etc (M) 24-641 12/09/2024 16:56 12/09/2024  16:56 280 Buckingham Wy, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Vandalism:deface property (M) 24-642 12/10/2024 12:13 12/09/2024  15:30 - 12/10/2024 08:30 Humanities Bldg, 5 Tapia Dr, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Vandalism:deface property (M) 24-645 12/12/2024 16:40 11/20/2024  07:50 - 12/12/2024 16:40 Health & Social Sciences Building, 3685 19TH Av, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Theft of personal property - All other larceny (M) 24-647 12/16/2024 10:35 12/14/2024  10:04 - 14:00 104 Serrano Dr, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Vandalism ($400 or more) (F) 24-648 12/16/2024 15:37 12/13/2024  18:00 - 12/16/2024 15:30 Fine Arts Bldg, 100 Creative Arts Ln, San Francisco, CA Suspended - No Further Action Yes
Vandalism:deface property (F) 24-651 12/18/2024 07:50 - 12/18/2024 07:25 Student Center, 1650 Holloway Av, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Throw burning material - All other offenses (M)            
Vandalism:deface property (M) 24-652 12/19/2024 11:10 - 12/20/2024 11:05 New Science Building, 3655 19TH Av, San Francisco, CA Returned to Officer for Follow Up Yes
Threaten crime with intent to terrorize (F)