Event Services

As part of our mission, the University Police Department provides police services for on-campus events in order to provide a safe environment for event guests. Reviewing the specifics of the event and assessing campus safety, UPD makes their recommendations to the University through the appropriate department.  Aspects of the event that may be considered include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • What type of event is being proposed (concert, speaker, conference, sport activities, etc)?

  • What type of venue(s) is being used for the event and its accessibility (capacity, number of entrances and exits, etc)?

  • When is the event being held (date and time, world events, etc)?

  • How many anticipated guests?

  • Does the event involve the collection of cash?

  • Is the event limited to the SF State campus community?

  • Does the event involve any special apparatus to be set-up (outdoor staging, lighting, etc)?

  • What is the extent of advertisement for the event (including off-campus advertisement)?

  • Have there been any safety or security concerns associated with the event in the past?

  • Are there any public figures or person(s) of interests attending the event?

  • Is the media involved with the event?

University Department Sponsors

University departments should work with UPD directly regarding any police service requests or questions. Departments hosting large campus events should also notify the Director of Special Events.

Student Organization Sponsors

Student Activities & Events works in collaboration with the University Police Department to best support student organization events and police service needs. All student organizations hosting events in a large campus venue will be required to attend a University partners meeting.  The meeting is hosted by SAE, with the inclusion of the student event planner, UPD and the venue manager/scheduler.  During the meeting, all event details will be discussed and based on the event information a recommendation will be provided by UPD concerning event police services.  Recommendations must be followed by the organization in order for the event to be approved.

Off-Campus Sponsors

All events being hosted by off-campus sponsors must work directly with the Director of Special Events regarding event police service needs. The Director serves as a liaison between the event sponsor and UPD. Based on the event information provided a recommendation will be provided by UPD concerning event police services. Recommendations must be followed by the organization in order for the event to be approved.

Security Fees

Outdoor Events

In general, there are no additional fees for outdoor events during normal University business hours (Monday through Friday from 8 AM - 5 PM).  However, outdoor events being held outside of University business times may incur police services fees. All fees will be billed to the event sponsor.

Indoor Events

Major events hosted in University venues may require additional police services depending on UPD’s assessment and recommendation (see Security for On-Campus Events).  All fees will be billed to the event sponsor.

Fee Structure and Payments

It is the responsibility of the event sponsor to pay a minimum of 50% of the estimated police service fees to UPD at least 3 business days prior to the event. The balance of the fees is due within 30 days following the event. Failure to complete payment will automatically forward the remaining payment to collections and may jeopardize the organization/department’s ability to schedule future events on campus.  The current UPD security fee is:


  • Campus Community Only: $128 per hour with a four-hour minimum (per officer)
  • Outside Organizations: $162 per hour with a four-hour minimum (per officer)


  • Campus Community Only: $61 per hour with a three-hour minimum (per CSS)
  • Outside Organizations: $77 per hour with a three-hour minimum (per CSS)

Please note: Community Service Specialists are non-sworn personnel and are typically used for locking and unlocking university facilities and other miscellaneous public assistance/support functions. Parking Control Officers are non-sworn personnel and are typically used for parking and vehicular traffic control.

Fees can be paid via check, purchase order, or departmental money transfer.


University Police Department
To Schedule Security
Reginald Parson, Chief of Police

To Complete Payment
Joy Manaois, Director of Operations & Finance
Division of Campus Safety

Student Activities & Events
Gabriela Dianne Ballesteros, Student Organization Coordinator

Housing, Dining & Conference Services
Dania Russell, Director of Dining & Event Services